West Hollywood
Log Cabin

The West Hollywood Log Cabin, located in West Hollywood, California, is a historic building long associated with recovery meetings, particularly for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other twelve-step programs. Originally built in the 1920s as a clubhouse for a women’s temperance movement, the Log Cabin’s early mission aligned with its later role as a space for sobriety and recovery gatherings.

After World War II, the Log Cabin gained prominence as a central hub for the recovery community, valued for its supportive and confidential environment. Owned by the Lions Club of West Hollywood, the property has played a pivotal role in supporting these meetings by offering the space to recovery groups.

Today, the Log Cabin stands as both a historical landmark and a vital resource for those seeking help with addiction recovery in West Hollywood.

Log Cabin Recovery Campus

Grand Meeting Room

Two New Meeting Rooms

Recovery Center Office

10 Space Parking Lot

Solar Panels

Colonnade Panels


The New Campus

West Hollywood Log Cabin is an iconic historical meeting place where tens of thousands of people have found recovery and received addiction support.

The West Hollywood Recovery Center Board of Directors are working closely with Mayor Sepi Shyne, Mayor Pro Tempore John Erickson, Council member Chelsea Byers, city officials, and an architecture firm to ensure that the Log Cabin renovations provide adequate meeting room space and storage, both of which will allow us to better serve our recovery community.

We have been involved throughout the entire planning process and have been assured by the City that we will have final approval.

We are working with the City to find temporary meeting spaces to accommodate our existing Log Cabin meetings while the renovations occur. Funding for this $9.5 million project is a joint effort between the City of West Hollywood, the State, and our sober community.

New information will be provided as it arises, as the City & WHRC continue to work collaboratively.

Please continue to visit our website for updates on the Log Cabin and we welcome any questions or concerns.

– West Hollywood Recovery Center Board of Directors