ACA (In Person): WEHO Men’s ACA

West Hollywood Recovery Center 626 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

In person meeting at the WHRC Room 2 .

AA (In Person): Nadezhda (Russian)

West Hollywood Recovery Center 626 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

In person meeting at the WHRC Room 1 .

AA (In Person): You Are Not Alone

West Hollywood Recovery Center 626 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

In person meeting at the WHRC Room 2 .

NA (In Person): Saturday Late Night

West Hollywood Recovery Center 626 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

In person meeting at the WHRC Room 2 .

AA (On Zoom) The Midnight Group

West Hollywood Recovery Center 626 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

Zoom link : ID: 298 104 926 Passcode: None

AA (In Person): Friday Morning

West Hollywood Recovery Center 626 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

In person meeting at the WHRC Room 1  .

AA (In Person & On Zoom): Thank God It’s Friday

Log Cabin 621 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood, CA, United States

In person meeting at the Log Cabin . (ASL Provided on Zoom) Zoom link : ID: 8442587346 Passcode: LogCabin

AA (In Person): Ladies Friday Night Out

West Hollywood Recovery Center 626 North Robertson Blvd., West Hollywood

In person meeting at the WHRC Room 1 . Temporarily moved to Zoom Zoom link : ID: 143891343 Passcode: 334479


The West Hollywood Recovery Center and The Log Cabin reopened on 6/15/21. All meetings are designated as In-Person, In-Person soon with a start date, Hybrid (In-Person & Zoom Combination), or On Zoom AND In Person (2 Separate Groups). There are 3 meeting locations: WHRC Rooms 1 and 2 are located at 626 N Robertson Blvd and The Log Cabin is located across the street at 621 N Robertson Blvd.